Flake posts a picture of a check to Democrat Doug Jones' campaign against Roy Moore in Alabama.     DATE: 2024-09-21 03:29:54

On Tuesday, outgoing Arizona Senator Jeff Flake crossed party lines to donate to Roy Moore’s Democratic challenger in the Alabama Senate race, Doug Jones. Flake posted a picture of the $100 check on Twitter with the caption “Country over Party.” The donation by a sitting Republican Senator to a Democrat vying to take a Republican seat in a Dec. 12thspecial election caused, as you can imagine, quite a stir online.

The two candidates reactions—or their public Twitter reactions—were themselves quite telling about the state-of-play in the race and each side’s mood.

Judge Roy Moore, as you might have expected, took the God-like road and initiated the end of days Democrat-might-win-in-Alabama fundraising protocol.


Long shot Democrat Doug Jones gave a more earnest I’m-just-happy-to-be-hereresponse: “Thanks.”


Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse gave a very Ben Sasse response. That is, the words sound pretty good going into your ears, but once they hit your brain, it’s like, what?

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Quite a rousing call from the Nebraska Senator… to do nothing at all.

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